Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) is public low-cost health insurance for certain children and pregnant women. It is for people who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to pay for private health insurance. CHP+ is available in every county in Colorado. There are two CHP+ health plans to choose from, and both cover the same set of essential health benefits. The only difference is the network of doctors, clinics and hospitals that each plan contracts with.

Colorado Thick is one of the two CHP+ health plans. It is a managed care plan, which means that it contracts with a specific network of doctors, clinics and hospitals to provide care for its members. The plan covers the same set of essential health benefits as the other CHP+ health plan, but it has a different network of providers. Colorado Thick’s provider network includes some of the state’s best children’s hospitals, as well as a large number of primary care doctors, specialists, and mental health providers.

Here are some of the features and benefits of Colorado Thick:

  • A large network of doctors, clinics and hospitals, including some of the state’s best children’s hospitals
  • Covers the same set of essential health benefits as the other CHP+ health plan
  • Low monthly premiums and no annual deductible
  • Covers preventive care, doctor visits, hospitalization, prescriptions, mental health, and more
  • A 24/7 nurse advice line
  • A wide range of discounts on health and wellness products and services

To learn more about Colorado Thick, or to enroll in the plan, visit the website or call the customer service number.


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