The Deep Carved Colored Banger 14M with Carb  is a high-quality banger made for use with dab rigs. It is made from premium quality quartz that can withstand high temperatures and maintain its integrity over time. The banger features a deep carved design that not only looks great but also provides better airflow and more even heating for your dabs.

  • High-Quality Quartz: This banger is made from premium quality quartz that can withstand high temperatures without cracking or breaking.
  • Deep Carved Design: The deep carved design of the banger provides better airflow and more even heating for your dabs, resulting in a better overall dabbing experience.
  • Carb Hole: The banger features a carb hole that allows you to control the airflow and vaporization of your dabs.
  • 14M Male Joint: The banger has a 14M male joint that is compatible with most dab rigs.
  • Easy to Clean: The smooth surface of the quartz banger makes it easy to clean with just a little bit of rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab.
  • Improved Flavor: The high-quality quartz and deep carved design of the banger work together to deliver a clean and flavorful dabbing experience.


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