Even when vaping, a slight odour may occasionally persist. The Smokebuddy is the right solution for you if you don’t have a place that is well-ventilated where you can use your vaporizer, need to be extremely discrete, or are thinking of family members or friends who have sensitive noses.

The Smokebuddy uses a carbon filter to get rid of smelly vapour exhalation. Simply exhale into the mouthpiece, and Smokebuddy will take care of the rest, working hard to get rid of aroma and any traces of visible vapour! When it comes to vaping in front of family and friends, the Smokebuddy will be your best friend because it is compact, lightweight, and portable. You won’t need to break off the conversation to avoid upsetting anyone anymore.

Smokebuddy is really simple to use.

Jr. Smokebuddy

Travel caps with a Smokebuddy keychain and LED light Included for covert storage

at least 200 estimated usage


Blue, Lime Green, Pink, Red


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