Stone Whale – Mystic

The Mystic Seaport Museum is a great place to learn about the chemical makeup of whale kidney stones. This article provides an overview of the composition of whale kidney stones and how they are formed.

Whale kidney stones are made up of calcium phosphate and magnesium carbonate. These minerals are found in the body of the whale and are excreted through the kidney. The stones are formed when the minerals are not properly dissolved and they crystallize in the kidney.

The stones can vary in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. They are usually round or oval in shape. Kidney stones can cause pain when they block the flow of urine. They can also cause infection or damage to the kidney if they are not treated properly.

If you have a kidney stone, it is important to see a doctor so that the stone can be removed. Kidney stones can be removed surgically or with medical treatment. Medical treatment involves breaking up the stone with sound waves or using a laser to break up the stone.


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